Friday, February 19, 2010


Project 365: Feb 19

Project 365: Feb 19

On the way back from picking up some sugar cookies from Xoco for a friend's birthday, I saw this cluster of balloons forlornly caught high in the branches of a tree. It made me wonder about the circumstances that brought them there and how I'd react if my HUGE bunch of balloons sailed aloft.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Art or Mystery?

Project 365: Feb 18

Project 365: Feb 18

Project 365: Feb 18

After attending an artist lecture at school I came across what I believe are two art installations near the Harold Washington Library... a street lamp that throws out orange light and a projection on the side of a law building that combined the words 'heart beat' with dance/rock to the beat. Need to do some research into who's responsible for the pieces.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rapunzel, Rapunzel

Project 365: Feb 17

I usually go to the Intelligentsia Coffee Shop in the Moadnock building several times a week as it's conveniently on the way from the blue line to school/work. This location is always packed with professionals in suits that work in the nearby financial district so I was surprised to find this more bohemian woman seated at the counter with the longest hair I've ever seen. It reminded me of the time when I was 10 and decided to grow my hair out to waist-length, that's the longest my hair's ever been (now it's shoulder length).